Dating While Manic

After a hectic day working two separate shifts at both Anthropologie and a Yoga Studio, I try to end my day with a gig of teaching a Portuguese psychiatrist English whom we shall call Dr. Aba. I always try to push myself to do my utmost in my work and whatever else I may need to do. As I’m writing this my Lana comes near me to have me settle down. Truth is my “boyfriend” at the time whom we shall refer to as Kiwi, helped me a lot and I’m happy to have met him. I caught him giving me #thatlook and checking me out on that rainy day on that #manicmonday. I went up to him to politely ask for a pen to break the barrier between us. He kindly gave me one and I’m forever grateful! After my tutoring session was complete I looked over and he asked me to write my number down! We introduced ourselves after this and Kiwi talked about using the Duolingo app to improve my Spanish. He then texted me and asked me out on a proper date; wish he would’ve called though to ask as a true gentleman!
After our Thai and La La Land date he ask if I would enjoy coming over however I with grace decline for that is not the woman I want to present myself to be. He dropped me off and on to the next dates we have but it was Valentine’s day when my mania started to get triggered. You see Kiwi my mania happens in cycles, It starts off with a crush and then abuse. You thought I was crazy and indeed I am truth be told however Kiwi you and I just don’t see eye to eye. We met at a coffee shop I once loved going to however after a panic attack there which induced the mania to become full blown the employees who witnessed it ignore me which is beyond hurtful to me. Due to their behavior, I ignore them back and choose to go grab coffee and better chai lattes at Barclay’s Coffee.
Connect with author Alexandra @gypsyalex_